Saturday, November 23, 2019

My Paws Diary #3

Dear Paws Diary,

We meet again. Today is raining. I feel so lazy. Hence, I prefer to sleep the whole day. 

My hooman Kakak went back last week. But she's alone. I didn't see my hooman Abangadik. Maybe that guy so busy with his work. Or his class?? 

I remember that a week before, he told the family that he just started class for new term. Well.. It means that he can't visit me often anymore. Seems that I will miss him.

Sometimes, I don't understand hooman. Why they still studying although they already grown up?? 
Why can't they just live as it is like me??
Spending the whole day, lying under this Triton.. 
Waiting for my hooman family to feed me. Or maybe waiting my new cat girlfriend to come. Or waiting my paw neighbors to call me for our gossiping session.. Hm....

Oh ya, speaking about my paw neighbors, those ducks showed their laid eggs a few weeks ago. There were some eggs but I lost count after five, huhu.. 
Sorry, my paw diary. I think I should attend school like my hooman Abangadik.... So I can learn mathematics and show off my counting skills to those ducks and dog.. hehehehe... 

The next day, I saw Aunty Amy gave some of the eggs to my hooman Ibu. Both women so happy chatting about those ducks and the eggs. I have no idea what happened to the eggs after that because I never see any ducklings in my house. Hm.... weird..

Dear Paws Diary, 
I'm still not fully recover. Still having flu and sneeze once a while especially when weather so cold. I hate eat medicine especially the blue color pill. It tastes yukssss.. You want to know how I skip from eating it? Shhhhhh.... 

Let me share my secret. 

My hooman Ibu Ayah will gave this blue pill through my wet food. So I will just eat half of that wet food, and the remaining will be ate by my cat girlfriend. Hence, chances for me to eat that blue pill is 50% only. 
But.... most of the time, it will be ate by my girlfriend, muahahahaha... 
It doesn't matter to her as long as she can enjoy my wet food.

See... I kill two birds with one stone. 
I don't have to eat that pill. And I can share my wet food with my girlfriend. She's happy. I'm happy. And our tummy also happy :)   

Dear Paws Diary,
But... My hooman Kakak knew my tactic. She is so clever. 

Last week, she gave me wet food and that blue pill inside that. I saw that thing!!!

See.. The thing in that red circle, huhu..

I purposely avoid that pill but she keeps on stroke me while I'm eating. I can't focus on my food. And second I know, that pill was in my mouth, then to my esophagus and finally to my stomach....

Yukssss... I hate that pill!!! 
My hooman Kakak is sooooo meannnn...
But it's too late for me to do anything.... 
The pill now happily stay in my stomach. Waiting to fight all the flu bacteria.

Dear Paws Diary, 
Thinking about the blue pill makes me exhausted. May I just stop writing eh no... typing this diary now? Plss....
Plus, I think my cat girlfriend is just meow to me.. I should go and get her.. Am I a good cat boyfriend?  ...wink wink... 


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A simple girl who love books and teddy bears namely Bibi and Si Boyot...